Sunday, February 14, 2016

Why Did I Write a Book?

Why Did I Write a Book?

To teach others through “sharing  inspiration to stay in the fight and become resilient”. Never give up, never quit.  I reveal stories of extreme adversity I faced growing up as well as the difficulties and how I overcame fear, mental and physical challenges as a fighter. I am a subject matter expert on teaching proper mindset, and inspiring and helping others to learn how to overcome adversity and expand to new horizons. 

Life goes by in the blink of an eye. We all want to do more, be more and have more but life leaves us with a feeling like we have missed something. The secret to success is not in having more. It is in being the best at what you want to be. True resilience is found by failing many times but never giving up. A true character is formed by testing the metal. Tempering it over and over makes it strong. 

Our experiences shape us into who we are. I have learned that the steps of resiliency for physical and mental challenges can be strengthened by affirmation. faith and a willingness to change. It is through my own adversity that I have validated and formed my opinion.  I reveal those steps in detail in my upcoming book Step Out Step Up (The Path from Lost to Found). You can get on the list for a free chapter today once the book is ready today.                 You can subscribe to the list HERE 

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