Monday, February 29, 2016

What I learned setting up a Business

What I learned setting up a Business

I learned it takes time! You have to do lots of work before the business opens. When you start a business, there are hundreds of things to do. Where do you start? My advice is start with an idea you are passionate about. The energy you need will be fueled by that passion. Take your business idea and then spend time looking at the industry. See who else is doing what you want to do and where. Also take time to look at your target markets. Are you going to have a traditional storefront or will it be virtual. How will you brand your company?

When I went to the Small Business Association with my idea, they shared some key areas to focus on. When you evaluate your idea, take time to go to the library and research, talk to friends and family and use your self knowledge. There are also Small Business Development Centers in most states. What legal entity will you create. Do you have a business plan? How will you get money? All of these questions need to be answered. What resources are you going to need to include facilities, equipment, people or inventory. You also cannot forget about the IRS and setting up necessary accounts for keeping your business separate from your personal accounts.Do not forget about any insurance you need to protect your business.

All of these things can be done by yourself or with the help of others. If your are transitioning military, there are some great resources available to you under the Army Corporate Partners Program and there are programs that will help you prepare your business plan. Get proper legal advice up front and that will save you time and money. If you are serious about it, go for it!

To your Success,


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Make the First Dollar

While sitting in Orlando at the Daymond John Launch event, I pondered what it is that everyone in life is after. The carrot seems to be wealth beyond their own belief. Fortunately, I already know it is the why that must be right first, then the other will come. No one wants to stay stuck where they are and they want so much more.

Tim Payne, one of the Daymond Team trainers explained that it is our thinking that has got in the way of success. I am blessed to have spent time with another millionaire today. I do my best to meet more of them every day. I may have to write a book about it! How I met 100 millionaires in one year and what they taught me! Just in the last year, I have met or corresponded directly with about ten. That is ten more than last year that are obviously doing well. They are Ken D., Joey F., Lisa S,, 33,, Josh E., Grant C., Robert S., Tim D., Roger G., Matthew P.. y doing so, it brings new perspectives. It is not only about financial freedom. It is about why  your doing what your doing.

What they are teaching me is that you have to believe in yourself first. Focus on the way forward, get after it and use all of your time doing what is necessary to achieve greatness. Our characters are shaped by those we choose to be around. Take time to evaluate who and how you will use your time. Get after it and make that first dollar. Spend time perfecting your speaking, your material and your products to bring value. Use the relationships you have built and leverage them as a win/win/win for others and yourself.

Get out there and make your first dollar. It took me two years so that means that so far I have made 0.0013698 per day. The seeds you plant don't always grow overnight. Start now!

That was until I took the FREE 10-Day Transformation training put on by Jack Canfield and decided to become a Trainer from the #1 America Success Coach.
Your link to that same training  INSTANT ACCESS 


Make the First Dollar

While sitting in Orlando at the Daymond John Launch event, I pondered what it is that everyone in life is after. The carrot seems to be wealth beyond their own belief. Fortunately, I already know it is the why that must be right first, then the other will come. No one wants to stay stuck where they are and they want so much more.

Tim Payne, one of the Daymond Team trainers explained that it is our thinking that has got in the way of success. I am blessed to have spent time with another millionaire today. I do my best to meet more of them every day. I may have to write a book about it! How I met 100 millionaires in one year and what they taught me! Just in the last year, I have met or corresponded directly with about ten. That is ten more than last year that are obviously doing well. They are Ken D., Joey F., Lisa S,, 33,, Josh E., Grant C., Robert S., Tim D., Roger G., Matthew P.. y doing so, it brings new perspectives. It is not only about financial freedom. It is about why  your doing what your doing.

What they are teaching me is that you have to believe in yourself first. Focus on the way forward, get after it and use all of your time doing what is necessary to achieve greatness. Our characters are shaped by those we choose to be around. Take time to evaluate who and how you will use your time. Get after it and make that first dollar. Spend time perfecting your speaking, your material and your products to bring value. Use the relationships you have built and leverage them as a win/win/win for others and yourself.

Get out there and make your first dollar. It took me two years so that means that so far I have made 0.0013698 per day. The seeds you plant don't always grow overnight. Start now!

That was until I took the FREE 10-Day Transformation training put on by Jack Canfield and decided to become a Trainer from the #1 America Success Coach.
Your link to that same training  INSTANT ACCESS 


Monday, February 15, 2016

Why I do What I Do

“ Dr. Green has written a riveting real life story of hope, insight and renewal that reveals stories of crippling adversity, personal failure and the transformation and change that occurred through mentors, education, goal setting and positive affirmation. Introducing 7 steps to greater resiliency and Leading you to a practiced and proven personal development strategy for creating (your own plan). He helps others discover the mindset it requires to overcome adversity and for your own personal growth and change.” His soon to be published book "Step Out Step Up (The Path from Lost to Found)" based on true account stories shows others that our own failures are not what defines us. It is our reaction and responses that do. His why is deeply driven by a strong desire to help others never quit, never give up, stay in the fight and be resilient!  

Mark Green J.D. 

Twitter:  @StepOutStepUp7 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Why Did I Write a Book?

Why Did I Write a Book?

To teach others through “sharing  inspiration to stay in the fight and become resilient”. Never give up, never quit.  I reveal stories of extreme adversity I faced growing up as well as the difficulties and how I overcame fear, mental and physical challenges as a fighter. I am a subject matter expert on teaching proper mindset, and inspiring and helping others to learn how to overcome adversity and expand to new horizons. 

Life goes by in the blink of an eye. We all want to do more, be more and have more but life leaves us with a feeling like we have missed something. The secret to success is not in having more. It is in being the best at what you want to be. True resilience is found by failing many times but never giving up. A true character is formed by testing the metal. Tempering it over and over makes it strong. 

Our experiences shape us into who we are. I have learned that the steps of resiliency for physical and mental challenges can be strengthened by affirmation. faith and a willingness to change. It is through my own adversity that I have validated and formed my opinion.  I reveal those steps in detail in my upcoming book Step Out Step Up (The Path from Lost to Found). You can get on the list for a free chapter today once the book is ready today.                 You can subscribe to the list HERE 

In the book by William Thayer published in 1897

"Archbishop Leighton said, "To him that knoweth not the port to which he is bound, no wind can be favorable." One wind is about as good for him as another. He may be well equipped, a good craft, sails set, ballast right, cargo well packed; but he wants somewhere to go, a port to enter. All his activity and preparation are useless without a purpose. A ship without a rudder, chart, compass, on a tactless sea, tossed about like a cockle-shell by wind and wave, is an apt symbol of thousands of youths who undertake to cross the ocean of life without a definite aim. They are more likely to make the ship wreck that to find safety in the harbor. 

By singleness of purpose we mean an early decision to follow a certain occupation or profession as a life-work, keeping that object constantly in view, true as the needle to the North Pole, and pushing for it through sunshine and storm to the goal. 

Mark says don't be a drifter. Have a purpose and a plan. Set your goals just above reach and go after them with vigor. Do not take your eye off them. Write them down, read them often and adjust those that fall off due to circumstances beyond your control when they are positively unattainable. Replace them with new ones. Keep your mind free of the negative thoughts that enter it and replace those thoughts with action and thinking that affirms your future. smile

Inspirational Leaders must Possess this Important Trait

Inspirational leaders must posses this one very important traitKeeping promises no matter how small or large

How do you get and keep momentum in business today? First and foremost, you do it by keeping promises. Confidence is broken and most of the time, without that success is out of reach due to our loss of it. We all have made this mistake and no person is perfect but you have to strive for your best. 

The problem starts with a small promise broken in business. That defect is like a flaw in machinery, it never lessens, it grows until there is a break down. You do not get many chances to set the right relationships. You will find those who are punctual in keeping even a trivial engagement will be exact in their business dealings. 

Never intend to falsify, deceive or cheat. Always consider before making a pledge where you are expected to keep it. This is a lesson for any who have had problems building their business due to not keeping even the simplest of promises once they begin a business venture with others. If your going to be a consultant, you have to be a trusted person. Your best intentions may not be good enough in today's business world. Keeping promises is one of the conditions in today's business world. Straight talk for thought. 

To Your Success

What good is a high open rate if no one is going to take action on the content inside the email? I asked myself that before I posted this because if you knew that 81% of all people have a book in them and only 1% actually write one, you would want to learn at least how I am doing it. 

I will be giving you a FREE chapter once we are ready to send to the publisher later this year. You can get on the wait list to learn about the pre-launch as well. The best part is that it helps you more than it helps me!